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Iniciado por Athros, 26 ene 2009, 23:11

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Aporte que acabo de encontrar en el blog Zone of Influence, un juego que a simple vista parece sencillo y adictivo.

Aún no lo he probado porque no tengo tiempo, pero espero echarle el guante este finde y pegarme una buena tarde de juego.

Guy Debord's Kriegspiel

Turns out Situationist extraordinaire Guy Debord (The Society of the Spectacle and other works) was also a grognard:

CitarIn January 1977, the French Situationist Guy Debord founded the Society for Strategic and Historical Games. The Society had an immediate goal: to produce the "Kriegspiel," a "game of war" that Debord had already designed in his head years before. Inspired by the military theory of Carl von Clausewitz and the European campaigns of Napoleon, Debord's game is a chess-variant played by two opposing players on a game board of 500 squares arranged in rows of 20 by 25 squares.

Debord's Kriegspiel has now been reimplemented online by new media arts collective RSG. There's also a printed edition available from Atlas Books. Here's an excellent background article.

Caín Groovesnore

Perdón por el reflote, pero me ha sorprendido ver esto aquí. Voy a probarlo, Guy Debord es un escritor muy interesante y que me ha influido mucho. Desconocía esta faceta suya


¿¿¿Pero qué es esto?!!! Bendito sea tu reflote. A ver si va a ser lo que yo buscaba.......
Caín, qué buen nombre XDDDDDDDDDDD. Tanto Abel, tanto Abel.....