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Iniciado por VIRIATO, 29 sep 2008, 10:08

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Saludos, me he hecho con un blister de Prodomis o sarissophoroi, y estoy buscando información sobre estos chicos, se que eran caballería ligera armada con largas lanzas. Pero me gustaría saber, si eran de origen macedonio, y las ropas que solian llevar color de estas como las capas. etc.. Además me han entrado con caballos cubiertos de piel de León o Leopardo y creo que estas solo las llevaban los Hetairoi. Hay me puede ayudar??


Por lo que sé se trataba de caballería de avanzada que funcionaban a modo de exploradores. Pasaron a Asia al mando de Casandro y su origen era tracio o peonio.

Y según Europa Barbarorum:

Prodromoi (Successor Medium Cavalry)

Prodromoi are the lightest of the Diadochoi melee cavalry and can be counted upon as superb flanking, raiding, and screening cavalry. They are well trained for light cavalry, but are still lightly armed and armored. They are not meant to be used as shock cavalry and will not roll up an enemy battle line in a thunderous charge, but instead make viable flanking cavalry which can quickly provide support where it is needed and be used to counter light missile troops of both the foot and mounted varieties. Their spears, shields, and linen armor give them some staying power, but they should not be used to in protracted melee for any great amount of time.

Historically, the Seleukidai and Makedones used the smaller and weaker members of the nobility to form a quick and powerful light cavalry force that could decide an engagement on its own. Since these men are nobles, they have good staying power, as was evidenced by their widespread use in many battles. They are quick, and can be used to chase down missile cavalry when there is a need, due to the fact that they ride fast Thessalian horses and are relatively slight statured men. The Seleukidai use them as an effective counter to the Parthoi horse archers, much like the Hungarians of a later era did against the Turks.


Misthophoroi Thraikioi Prodromoi (Thracian Medium Cavalry)
In the Thraikian and Makedonian armies, these medium cavalry are a common sight. The reason for this is that they are excellent medium cavalry, capable of skirmishing, charging, and fighting fairly well in melee. They are armored with good quality linen, bronze helms, and the distinctive Thraikian shields that mark their country of origin. They are an extremely versatile cavalry force that can be given the moniker ?jack of all trades and master of none?. They are great all-round cavalry, but will not fare well against heavier cavalry or spear or pike armed infantry. They are drawn from the lower Thraikian nobility and many have settled in Makedonia, lured by land grants and higher pay.

Historically, Thraikian light cavalry was some of the best in the ancient world. They proved their worth in battle after battle, whether in Makedonian or Hellenic service, or the service of their own kings. Their tactical versatility made them a light cavalry equivalent to that of the Romaioi legions, well able to perform any battle role and to adapt quickly to any circumstance. 


 Espero que no me pille JD ;D

  Segun Osprey:




Saludos, ahora que me acuerdo, en la Campaña de Afganistan de Pressfield, el protagonista, podia ser considerado un Prodomoi no?? y en ese caso, tambien habría prodomois de origen puro macedonio.


Uhmmm... creo que no porque, si no recuerdo mal, solo podía acceder a una montura si el mismo la compraba (o sustraía). Además aspiraba a unirse al cuerpo de su hermano, que debía ser hetairoi.


Saludos, si su hermano era hetairoi, pero sino recuerdo mal, él y sus compañeros eran infantería montada, que entre otras cosas hacían las veces de batidores y exploradores. Lo cual es lo que me hace pensar que puedan ser estos prodomoi.
Además creo recordar que en Iskandahar Alejandro compra un monton de mulas y caballos para el ejército, que si las tenias que comprar tu, pero recuerda que hacian como el armamento los adelantaban un vale que era como contraer una deuda con el ejército y te lo iban descontando.