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Movimento con disparo(jabalinas y arcos compuestos) y disparo/reaccion

Iniciado por ajsantamaria, 25 ene 2017, 18:52

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M ha surgido la siguiente duda:

Como es posible esta aclaración en las FAQs:

When a unit uses javelins after having been activated for a movement action, can I still
use my shooting abilities?
Yes, "Timing: shooting" doesn't mean that you can only use it during a shooting activation, but
rather during a shooting sequence, no matter what activation was used.
Take for example the Spanish, a player decides to activate a javelin armed unit of warriors
during his opponent's turn, using the "Iberia" ability. He declares the unit will move. At the end
of their movement, the unit throw their javelins. He is then, of course, able to use the ability
"Burning Sun" during phase 2 of his shooting sequence, as his opponent is able to use his own
shooting/reaction abilities.
The same applies for composite bows, whether they shoot before or after their movement.

A la vez que en la página 24 del reglamento te dice explícitamente que no se pueden usar habilidades de disparo/reacción frente a una activación de movimiento que acaba en disparo(es decir mover y disparar con jabalinas o arcos compuestos




Cita de: joseka en 26 ene 2017, 10:35
Joer,se contradice totalmente

Ya está aclarado porque en la página 24 se refiere a activaciones/reacciones que cancelan activaciones de disparo mientras que la fAQ dice que puedes usar disparo/reaccion contra los disparos que te provocan una activacion de movimiento por jabalinas.