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[PERRY MINIATURES]Algunas novedades de metal

Iniciado por Corocotta, 06 sep 2011, 21:22

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


Hoy mirando la gama de perry he visto que han puesto unas cuantas cosas nuevas, y no habia visto la noticia en TMP

American Civil War
ACW61 Early Confederate infantry in 'Sicilian caps' and 1839 pattern caps advancing
ACW70 Union camp set 2

Prussian Napoleonic Army 1813-15
PN15 Cuirassier command in Litewka (officer in Leibrock) galloping
PN23 Landwher cavalry in Litewka, galloping, lance upright

British and Hanoverian Army 1815
BH56 Hanoverian militia command marching casually
BH62 K.G.L. 2nd Light Battalion firing line/skirmishing with muskets

Carlist forces
CAT34 Navarre Guide command advancing

Isabelino forces
ISA66 French Foreign Legion command standing
ISA70 FFL 3" Mountain gun/4"howitzer (gun, 4 crew + ammo mule)