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To the Strongest - Nuevas reglas de antiguos

Iniciado por Anibal Invictus, 28 nov 2014, 20:57

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Anibal Invictus

Estamos en mi grupo de juego pensando en hacer algo de medievales en 2015.
Rastreando por la red, he encontrado unas reglas recien publicadas (de hoy mismo)

Por si alguiente tiene curiosidad


¿Las vais a probar? Pues ya contarás como va, porque yo ando buscando algo que sea distinto de DBx y todas sus reencarnaciones, se llamen como se llamen.
Por cierto, ¿conoces estos reglamentos?:



Pero To the Strongest están pensadas para antiguos y no para medievales.

Anibal Invictus

Cita de: blacksmith en 28 nov 2014, 21:54
Pero To the Strongest están pensadas para antiguos y no para medievales.
Por lo que he leído cubre el periodo medieval también

Anibal Invictus

Cita de: emosbur en 28 nov 2014, 21:41
¿Las vais a probar? Pues ya contarás como va, porque yo ando buscando algo que sea distinto de DBx y todas sus reencarnaciones, se llamen como se llamen.
Por cierto, ¿conoces estos reglamentos?:

No ni idea


Hi, I wrote the "To the Strongest!" rules, but I'm afraid I can't write in Spanish.

When I originally wrote the rules they were just for ancients.  However my play-testers wanted to use knights, so I extended them to cover up to around 1500 CE, with knights/longbows/crossbows/cannon etc.  In the army lists there is even a Grenadine and a Castilian army.  I don't yet own any Grenadine figures, but I would love to build such a colorful army!  My rules are not as serious as DBx, and play fast.  Unusually no dice are used.

As it happens I know Simon MacDowall who runs legio games, and his rules are very good.  His Comitatus book is beautiful; I have played games of Comitatus with him.  I think he has medieval rules called "Tree of Battles" which I've not yet tried.

I am happy to answer any questions.

Best, Simon


Hi Simon

I bought Comitatus a year ago, is a very good set of rules. And Tree of battles is worth taking a look too. I hope I´ll read your rules soon. As I am a follower of your blog, I can see your updates.
All the best.



Cita de: bigredbat en 30 nov 2014, 23:02
Hi, I wrote the "To the Strongest!" rules, but I'm afraid I can't write in Spanish.

When I originally wrote the rules they were just for ancients.  However my play-testers wanted to use knights, so I extended them to cover up to around 1500 CE, with knights/longbows/crossbows/cannon etc.  In the army lists there is even a Grenadine and a Castilian army.  I don't yet own any Grenadine figures, but I would love to build such a colorful army!  My rules are not as serious as DBx, and play fast.  Unusually no dice are used.

As it happens I know Simon MacDowall who runs legio games, and his rules are very good.  His Comitatus book is beautiful; I have played games of Comitatus with him.  I think he has medieval rules called "Tree of Battles" which I've not yet tried.

I am happy to answer any questions.

Best, Simon

Hey Simon, welcome to this forum. I admire and envy your vast 28mm armies and your capacity to paint so many figures. Congratulations on the release of your rules.


Cita de: bigredbat en 30 nov 2014, 23:02
Hi, I wrote the "To the Strongest!" rules, but I'm afraid I can't write in Spanish.

When I originally wrote the rules they were just for ancients.  However my play-testers wanted to use knights, so I extended them to cover up to around 1500 CE, with knights/longbows/crossbows/cannon etc.  In the army lists there is even a Grenadine and a Castilian army.  I don't yet own any Grenadine figures, but I would love to build such a colorful army!  My rules are not as serious as DBx, and play fast.  Unusually no dice are used.

As it happens I know Simon MacDowall who runs legio games, and his rules are very good.  His Comitatus book is beautiful; I have played games of Comitatus with him.  I think he has medieval rules called "Tree of Battles" which I've not yet tried.

I am happy to answer any questions.

Best, Simon

Hi Simon.

Another shy lurker of your fantastic blog here and of course proud buyer of your rules.  :D

I´ve to recognize you that for or five days ago, the first day of your own review of TtS! when I read the absence of dices in your system I became so skeptical about it could be my taste of game, but  day after day reading your explanations about it and the innovative use of the deck as a command dice and dice itself, I became a believer.  :-[

Regards and the best luck with this wonderful rulebook.



Por cierto, hablando de blogs excepcionales, Emilio, abro el lector de feeds y me encuentro una entrada tuya y he ido a abrirla con ilusión: nada, el anuncio de un certamen.  :(

A ver si actualizamos el blog...  ;)

  ;D ;D ;D

Un saludo.


Tiempo, tiempo, necesito tiempo...
Tengo que poner un informe de la campaña Dux Britanniarum, pero me da pereza. A ver esta semana.



Thanks Rafael! 

I am familiar with your tag, of course.  I do hope you enjoy the rules- they are not too serious, or too hard, and there will be a lot of "Oh no its an Ace!" moments.

Best, Simon


Alguien que las haya probado podría hacer un pequeño resumen para saber como va?

Anibal Invictus

Cita de: jorge808 en 06 ene 2015, 22:36
Alguien que las haya probado podría hacer un pequeño resumen para saber como va?

Sinceramente no las he leido completas: me echó atrás ya en las primeras páginas que utiliza un sistema de cuadriculación de la mesa para el movimiento y combate, así que antes de empezar a jugar tienes que marcar en la mesa los cuadrados (con bolitas de blu-tac, con alfileres o con piedrecitas...). La verdad es que no seguí leyendo tras esto; y lo digo con todo el cariño, quizás debía havber seguido leyendop para hacerme una idea más completa.

Sé que Rotorcraft, otro habitual de estos foros, se las ha leido y le gustan 
