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Star Wars: Dark Resurrection (fan movie)

Iniciado por Endakil, 24 nov 2011, 01:30

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A pesar de que es un pesetero al menos sabes que no te hará ninguna put*da obligándote a tirar a la basura un fan film en el que has puesto amor y trabajo.

In the things we love about George is that he has allowed people to openly praise and mock his work. He told the community "have at it." He's given the tools to everyone to allow for them to make their own versions of Star Wars, in full force (no pun intended). Star Wars fan films outnumber all others. Someone mentioned in the documentary that Dr Who fan films are second to Star Wars, and for every one Dr Who fan film, there are 100 for Star Wars. And Lucas supports it! Every year they have a fan film contest. I got to see this year's selections and helped to vote on a winner for the fan vote-one at WonderCon and one at ComicCon. What I appreciate about this particular documentary is that it splices in multiple fan films to help progress the story. They're not just randomly inserted, but integral pieces to the documentary. And it's through George Lucas that such fan films were possible.

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Ya hay dos pelis y están para acabar la trilogia...¡una pasada!