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¿Cómo hubiera sido el mundo sin una Europa Moderna?

Iniciado por Athros, 20 abr 2010, 16:57

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Pues este señor se aburria mucho y ha decidido hacer algunas predicciones de lo que habría pasado.

CitarGreetings and salutations.

Here's one from a timeline, based on an old thread, in which the Islamic world developed science and it's own form of "modernity" while Christian Europe didn't. The Americas speak Arabic and some Berber, except for West-African colonized N. Brazil and Danish Markland (too poor and cold to bother taking: New England is only thinly settled in this TL).

Al-Andalus a.k.a. the Caliphate of Cordoba dominates the history of this TL even more than the British Empire does in ours: most of it's former colonies have become independent, but several states either remain closely tied to it or have entered into close association for fear of powerful neighbors.

Europe is rather backward, having missed out on the Renaissance and the scientific revolution: it had a reformation of sorts, but the national churches that replaced the Catholic church are by an large rather conservative and hostile to modernity in it's Islam-flavored form. Poland is a nastily authoritarian state (think Saddam's Iraq) and the Caliphate has already had to intervene militarily to prevent their development of atomic weapons, to prevent an outright occupation of the place by the Turks. France's shaky monarchy is threatened by extremist elements, and the Anglo-Dutch monarchy has modernized about as successfully as our TL's Turkey. Christian terrorism is a big problem in Italy, where more than a third of the population is still Christian (they form an absolute majority in large parts of the north). On the positive side, the present independent Christian states largely avoided direct colonization, although the Germanies were briefly a Turkish vassal and the Caliphate briefly occupied half of Francia in the 19th century and early 20th.

The Turkish Unity follows a supposedly rationalist totalitarian ideology developed by an Egyptian scholar: it's somewhat less economically idiotic than OTL communism, but not much less repressive politically. The Ukraine and S. Russia have been heavily Islamicized and turkified. Since the last big war, it has been in occupation of western Persia: the eastern half survives thanks to support from the Caliphate, the Bengali Sultanate, and the north Americans (relatively a somewhat less powerful state than the OTL US: less centralized, and less densely populated in the north).

India is a bit on the backward side by the standards of Arabs, Turks, or Persians: think Latin America OTL. In the disruptions of the last war, several large areas suffered from successful revolts of the Hindu population: the Islamic states have reconsolidated their position, but the desire for a free and united Hindustan remains. Most people expect war will break out in the area again soon.

Africa was never fully colonized, and is mostly Muslim by now, although there are still large pagan populations in some of the inland states. Japan and Indonesia fought a 20-year war to divide East Asia between themselves: Japan, which is somewhat of an outsider in this TL as the one great non-Islamic power, has an "alliance of convenience" with the Turks.

Although the level of technology is generally a bit higher than OTL, it's generally less secular, even in the modern Muslim lands. Jews are generally more tolerated in the Islamic world than Christians, although something of a "glass ceiling" remains for them. Atomic weapons, developed on a slow-track by Andalusian scientists to deter Turkish expansion, have been kept limited in numbers by treaties and inspection regimes, but all of the Big Powers still have hundreds of the damn things.

The Caliph in Cordova has not had much real power since the middle ages, [1] but he's still the theoretical leader of Islam worldwide (something the Peruvian regime, the wacky heretical Dominion (think Muslim Mormons. In the jungle), the Turks and the rather secular north Americans don't really put much stock in).

[1] Our middle ages, of course: historians of this TL don't classify things the same way...


Yo creo que se equivoca: el mundo hubiera sido claramente dominado por la Tamidian Condeferacy. Falta el color amarillo en ese mapa.



No ha hecho una Chi cuadrado... ni intervalos de confianza... ni error estándar... me parece que sus conclusiones no tienen validez ;D


que me digan donde vive ese tipo para que le mande un pico y una pala y se deje de hacer chorradas..... Un poco de historia ficción no está mal pero.... Dios que sobrada!!!!


jaja, la peña es la hostia

aunque pensandolo bien, ese mapa puede dar mucho juego para algun wargame en universos alternativos


Que el tío se aburre es evidente...
...que se merece el pico y la pala...también....
.......y que también nosotros nos aburrimos y perdemos el tiempo leyendo estas chorradas...
...¡¡¡ ESO ES FALSO!!!   :P

Citarese mapa puede dar mucho juego para algun wargame en universos alternativos

¿Toda Hispania ocupada?...Toda no...
Un pequeño grupo de irreductibles se resiste aún al invasor.
En invierno se refugian en bocaminas, bajo las montañas para tocar sus gaitas...
...y en verano destapan su apestoso queso y se ponen a tocar la gaita.
Así que ese mapa está mal. :D

PD: Me aburro.


Demasiado radical...

Dadle a ese tio una PS 3, para que se divierta, y deje de hacerse p***s mentales.

Es que no lo veo ni como universo alternativo...



¿Califato de Córdoba y estados satélites? WTF? El Califato de Córdoba dejó de existir como tal mucho antes de que comenzara la Edad Moderna... y tras la derrota de los Almohades en las Navas (1212) no queda ningún poder musulmán en la Península Ibérica o el noroeste de África que pueda suponer una amenaza para los cinco reinos hispánicos. De hecho se considera que la 'Reconquista' como tal finaliza en la primera mitad del siglo XIII, porque lo que sigue no es más que una simple conquista de los reinos taifas restantes. Si Granada resistió hasta el XV fue por la sobresaliente diplomacia de sus gobernantes nazaríes y los problemas internos de Castilla.

Vamos, el mapa está divertido, pero el que lo hizo ni puta idea eh xD


Uuum...¿china no esta? Y no entendo muy bien el sentido del mapa... El decir, 'sin una europa moderna' ¿a que se refiere? Por que me deja un poco rayao...



aparte de que lo que lleva a descubrir américa es buscar una ruta alternativa no controlada por los musulmanes a las tierras de la especiería, con lo que teniendo los musulmanes acceso a las especias no tenían por qué ir por el mar buscando una ruta y toparse con América.

Además el mundo no se divide en musulmanes y crisitianos. Dudo que pudieran haber conquistado china o hacer que se convirtiera al Islam.

en fin....


Jodo, me tiro casi un mes fuera y a la que asomo la cabeza me encuentro esto. Me pregunto si lo habra hecho un muyahidin aburrido.


Muyahidin no sé, pero coincido contigo que aburrido un rato. Mañana hago yo lo mismo con... ermmmm... el renacer bizantino XDD


¿El color de Australia es el mismo que el de el califato de cordoba? ¿Como se consigue eso xD?